Create Sessions & Fees
Create sessions by clicking on “Edit Sessions”. Go through and fill out the details for your relevant sessions. Examples of sessions include “Full Day” or “Half Day AM”. The Display Order chooses which column these sessions show to parents. It is advisable to put Full Day and Trip Day as display order 1 for parents to book in for the full week. If you want to offered a discounted weekly rate for when parents book in 5 sessions (most likely your main programme sessions) then tick the apply weekly rate option for the session.

Create Holiday ProgrammeCreate a holiday programme by clicking “Add New Holiday Programme”. Enter the name and the weekly rate of the programme if you offer ones (please note under edit sessions you need to have ticked apply weekly rate). Select the Tracking Category Settings and if wanted choose to have all weekly rate sessions changed to a single session on the invoice by using the Replace sessions in weekly rate option.

Add in holiday programmes activities to holiday programmes created in the previous step by pressing the “Manage Activity” button.
You can now add new activities by clicking on “Add New Activity”.

Select the times/sessions offered and fill in details. For ease of use, use the “Use First Six (Max) Sessions” automatically pull through all the default sessions. To remove sessions, click the minus on the right-hand side. Once you have saved a few activities, drag-to-reorder feature makes arranging your holiday programme order easy.
You can apply an age restriction to an activity to only have children between the age range you select able to book into the programme. If you choose no age restriction children for all ages can be booked into the activity. The age range for the activity is calculated on the date the activity is on. This means children that are booked in to the programme must be between the age range selected for that activity when the booking is made.

Images for activities are best used in 16:9 aspect ratio and can be formatted to the correct size by using the crop feature. Click "Browse" when creating or editing an activity and locate the picture you want to upload
The crop tool will now appear on the picture, you can expand the tool until it is fully expanded in all directions.

Click "Crop" and the page will update with your image

Assign Holiday Programmes to Term Dates:
- Go to Tools > Term Planning
- Click on the "Manage Programme" beside the desired holiday term.
- If the holiday term is not yet created, click on the "Create New Term" button and create it
- If the term is not available under the create term button go to the head office level and got to Tools > term to create it for use at site level

- Select your Holiday Programme from the Add New Holiday Dropdown menu
- Click Schedule activity and make any changes if needed.

- Click "Make "Bookable" to make the Holiday Programme bookable for parents
- The Holiday programme will now appear green

The second feature we have released is now there are admin bookable only session for the holiday programme just like you have with After school care.
Selecting the admin bookable option disables parent bookings but still allows admin staff bookings to be made for the holiday programme.
Admin bookable only sessions for the holiday programme.
The holiday programme can be made admin bookable only so that only staff can make bookings for the holiday programmme.
Selecting the admin bookable option disables parent bookings but still allows admin staff bookings to be made for the holiday programme.