Admin app add notes

Admin app add notes

This feature allows notes to be attached to a programme's site or against certain children for viewing by staff.

Child Notes

Child notes allow Staff Users to add notes to children's profile. These notes added will appear in any attendance roll calls taken and will also show in the Tablet's Daily Summary. These notes will not be seen by parents.
These may include something like "Will be late to ASC due to Rugby practise" - this will show to the staff taking roll call.

To add Child Notes:
  • Select Child Notes by clicking "Add Notes" from the aimy Plus app homescreenSelect the children that you would like to add the notes to. You can search by the child's name in the search box
  • Simply tap on the name to select - it will turn a blue colour when selected
  • Click "Next" when all relevant children are selected

After selecting the children, choose the appropriate filters:
  • Choose Session
  • For a single day, choose the Day and Date
  • For multiple days, select the appropriate days and change the Date Range switch to "On". Now select the Start and End Dates

Now write and apply the note:
  • Type the note into the white text field at the bottom of the page
  • The relevant children and programmes will show based on the filters you chose earlier. 
  • When you are happy with the note and selection, click on the "next" button in the top-right and on the next page you can click send. A banner should appear saying "Note has been uploaded"

Site Notes

Site notes allow Staff Users to add notes to the programme's site. These notes added will appear in the Tablet's Daily Summary. These notes will not be seen by parents.
These may include something like "There will be a fire drill at 4:15pm".

To add Site Notes:

Choose Site Notes by clicking on "Add Notes"

Choose the appropriate filters:
  • The Site cannot be chosen here - it only displays the site that the notes are being added to
  • For a single day, choose the Day and Date
  • For multiple days, select the appropriate days and change the Date Range switch to "On". Now select the Start and End Dates
  • Write the Note that you would like to communicate
  • When you are happy with the note and filter selection, click on the "Save" button in the top-right. A banner should appear saying "Note Saved Successfully"

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